Hello Dear Ones…..
Hot Topics is my new blog page, and welcome to my very first blog!
My name is Kathleen and I am a Healer, Psychotherapist, Social Worker, mother, wife and teacher. And one of my greatest passions is cooking. Recipes for food will follow later. Now I want to give a recipe for consciously manifesting your desires.
I have noticed some of the specific areas that are problematic for people are areas around money, physical health and relationships/family. Lately, I have also noticed that people are struggling with how to make a significant contribution to this world we live in. People are searching for a way to add meaning to their life, to help others.
Right now, with this pandemic going on, people have more time to dwell on their past…worry about the future. My friends, you need to live in the present moment. Let us bring together that sense of intense, alert Presence with the words of our “ manifestation affirmation.” A manifestation becomes an affirmation if said with Presence. Here is an example that Eckhart Tolle has given us. “My life is filled with creativeness and achievement and prosperity.”
We can practice with this statement:
*You must believe and feel these words “My life is filled with creativeness and achievement and prosperity.”
*You must have faith in these words; know they are true as you say them.
*At the same time you say these words, you need to feel the Present moment. Everything comes out of the Present…Intense easy Focus.
*The recipe calls for 10 minutes (3 times a week). Description is to sit quietly for 10 minutes and say outloud or to yourself “My life is filled with creativeness and achievement and prosperity.” Have confidence in yourself. Have confidence in your own Power.
*Be in a relaxed state, try to believe, try to feel, be Present…..
the transcendence happens….
Don’t give up….
I appreciate you, and I value your feedback on this, my first blog.
Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions, or any topic you would like to suggest I write about: